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Charity Board Member, vol./board, Serve2nourish, Toronto ON / remote
Save Canada, Resist Oligarchy, Save our Climate
New & Experienced Gardeners, volunteer, Climate Smart Victory Garden, Sharon / Newmarket, GTA, Ontario
Education, social media & communications volunteers, vol., Springbay Studio, remote/virtual, anywhere in Canada
Database & Admin Volunteers, vol., Biosphere Eco-Cities, remote in Vancouver, Toronto & remote anywhere in Canada
Construction volunteers, vol., Toronto Wildlife Centre, Rouge National Urban Park / Scarborough, GTA, Ontario
Non-profit Board Member / Board of Directors, vol., Imagine Canada, virtual/remote, anywhere in Canada
Urban fruit trees – Pick Leaders, vol. + fruit, Not Far From The Tree, Toronto ON
Organic farms & gardens across Canada, vol.+ accom.+ food+ experience, WWOOF Canada & Worldwide
Herbal Apprenticeship, volunteer/apprentice, Wild By Nature Botanicals (urban farm/herbal apothecary), Toronto ON
Urban herb farm volunteer, vol., Wild By Nature Botanicals, east Toronto ON
Outdoor Nature Program Volunteers, Kids in the Woods Initiative, near Toronto Zoo, GTA, Ontario
Treasurer, non-profit board director (volunteer), GreenPAC, virtual/remote position, anywhere in Canada
Farmers Market Volunteers, Tuesdays, Cabbagetown Farmers' Market, Toronto, Ontario
Director of Marketing, volunteer, Connecting Environmental Professionals, Toronto ON
Board Members, Board of Directors, vol., Fair Finance Fund, remote, anywhere in Ontario
Organic veggie farm volunteers, vol. + veggies, The Cutting Veg, Sutton/Georgina, Lake Simcoe, GTA, Ontario
Treasurer, vol., Roselands Horticultural Society, West Toronto, Ontario
Community farm / Permaculture gardens, vol.+ room+ board+ stipend, Wind Whistle, live on site, near Creemore, Ontario
Content Creators – Environment, Conservation, Sustainability, volunteer, Science for All Audiences, remote, anywhere in Canada
Non-profit board members needed, vol., Architectural Conservancy Ontario, London, Ontario
Summer Canoe Trip Leaders, no experience necessary, free/vol. +accom. +food +training, late May-August, Algonquin Park, Ontario
Board Member / Treasurer, vol./board, Ecosource, Mississauga preferred, Ontario
Grant Writer, vol./honorarium, Cortes Island Academy, remote, anywhere in Canada
Non-profit Board Members, vol./board, EcoEquitable, Ottawa ON / Hybrid
Organic gardens / farm help and Childcare, vol. + housing + land access, Women's healing farm, West Grey, Ontario
Global Climate Strike 2025, April 11, vol./participate, Canada & Worldwide, plus links, jobs, organizations, resources
Kids' World of Energy Festival – Adult Volunteers (18 & up), $150 stipend, Relay Education, various locations across Canada
Hardware developers & advisors for a food wastewater treatment start up, unpaid startup opportunity, Toronto or remote/virtual
Team Lead, vol., Biosphere Eco-Cities Canada, remote in Toronto/GTA ON
Board Members, vol./obard, Biosphere Eco-Cities Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
Team Leads, volunteer, Talk Climate to Me, virtual, women anywhere in Canada
Board Member / Director, vol./board, Mind Your Plastic, remote, anywhere in Canada
Evaluation Analyst, volunteer., LEAF Canada (sustainable restaurants & foodservice), virtual/remote, anywhere in Canada
Volunteer Coordinator, volunteer, LEAF (help restaurants reduce their environmental impact), remote, anywhere in Canada
Fundraising Team Volunteers, vol., Biosphere Eco-Cities Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
Permaculture Interns, live on-site, April-Sep./flexible, Whole Village Ecovillage, Caledon, Ontario
Fixers / Repair / DIY / Handypersons / Technicians, volunteer, Repair Cafés, Toronto & around the world
Ecological/Permaculture Gardener/Intern, vol., camping or cabin, Living Landscapes, near Wakefield QC / Ottawa area
Natural construction apprentice 2025, optional on-site accom., near Cobourg, Ontario
Community building / Skill sharing hosts, volunteer / barter, Life.School.House, anywhere in Canada
Board members, vol., Willow Park Ecology Centre, Georgetown / Halton Region, Ontario
Parents & families concerned about climate change — connect, take action, volunteer, For Our Kids, across Canada
Emotional Support – Certified Listener Volunteers, vol., Certified Listeners Society, remote, anywhere in Canada
Volunteers, Public Speaking Contest, Brampton/Toronto/GTA, Ontario
Volunteer Nature Steward, Toronto Nature Stewards Highland Creek Park, Scarborough, GTA, Ontario
Act for Cycling, Safe, Active & Sustainable Transportation, Ontario & beyond...
Drivers, volunteers, Zero Food Waste, Kingston, Ontario

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