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  Senior positions  |  All positions  helpSkip to the latest junior and intermediate positions...
Executive Director, full-time, London Environmental Network, London, Ontario
Climate Action and Energy Specialist, full-time, City of Burnaby, Metro Vancouver BC
Head of Communications, four day work-week, Greenpeace Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or remote, anywhere in Canada
Co-Head of Program, four day work-week, Greenpeace Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or remote, anywhere in Canada
Director of Communications & Programs, four day work-week, Greenpeace Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or remote, anywhere in Canada
Head of Actions & Organizing, four day work-week, Greenpeace Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or remote, anywhere in Canada
  All levels — latest postings  helpAll postings are open and accepting applications — apply now. (Postings are removed when filled.)
Education Programs Coordinator, full-time, immediate to Sep 6, Edible Garden Project, North Vancouver BC
Summer Camp Leaders, full-time, Cumberland Lake Park Campground, near Courtenay BC
Watershed Stewardship Assistant, full-time, Oldman Watershed Council, Lethbridge, Alberta
Environmental Educator, summer/seasonal, North Coast Ecology Centre Society, Prince Rupert BC
Co-responsable à l’Épicerie et au Marché solidaire, plein temps, Carrefour solidaire, Montréal QC
Organic veggie farm help, 1 position, May-Oct., on-site accom., Puddle Produce Farm, Williams Lake BC
Summer job: Wetland and Waterfowl Research Technician, Ducks Unlimited, Stonewall, near Winnipeg, Manitoba / hybrid
Summer job: Communications Specialist, EcoSchools Canada, Toronto or remote, anywhere in Canada
Summer job: Education Program Officer, EcoSchools Canada, Toronto or remote, anywhere in Canada
Summer job: GIS Technician, Ducks Unlimited Canada, remote in Eastern Ontario
Parliamentary Internship for the Environment, 10 months, full-time, ages 18-30, Environmental Leadership Canada, Ottawa ON
Outreach & Marketing Specialist, 20 hours/week, The Guelph Outdoor School, Guelph ON / remote
Save Canada, Resist Oligarchy, Save our Climate
New & Experienced Gardeners, volunteer, Climate Smart Victory Garden, Sharon / Newmarket, GTA, Ontario
Indoor farming — microgreens and edible flowers, part-time, Goldfarm, Guelph, Ontario
Ecological Restoration & Herptile Field Assistant, 8 month contract, Alderville First Nation Black Oak Savanna, Ontario
Education, social media & communications volunteers, vol., Springbay Studio, remote/virtual, anywhere in Canada
Conservation Coordinator, full-time, CPAWS Yukon, Whitehorse, Yukon
Fisheries Policy Coordinator, full-time, Central Coast Indigenous Resource Alliance, anywhere in BC
Database & Admin Volunteers, vol., Biosphere Eco-Cities, remote in Vancouver, Toronto & remote anywhere in Canada
Summer job: Summer Camp Supervisor / Environmental Educator, Sea Smart School Society, Vancouver BC
Summer job: Field Data Collection, Recycling Alternative, Vancouver BC
Construction volunteers, vol., Toronto Wildlife Centre, Rouge National Urban Park / Scarborough, GTA, Ontario
Reptile Recovery Research Assistant, 10 months, Wildlife Preservation Canada, Windsor, Ontario
Reptile Recovery Field Technician, 6 months, Wildlife Preservation Canada, Windsor, Ontario
Summer: Reptile Recovery Field Technician Intern, Wildlife Preservation Canada, Windsor, Ontario
Field Staff, Restoration & Infrastructure, 4 positions, full-time, Toronto and Region Conservation, Vaughan, GTA, Ontario
Summer job: Business development, Sorauren Farmers' Market, Toronto ON
Ecological farming assistant, part-time, summer/seasonal, Bhūmiyinda Farm, Milton, Ontario
Summer: Wildlife Hotline and Intake Assistants, multiple positions, Toronto Wildlife Centre, Toronto ON
Outside Sales – Energy Field Representative, full-time, Summerhill Group, Toronto, Ontario
Summer job: Urban farming / Grow food, KW Habilitation, Waterloo, Ontario
Summer job: Urban garden / horticulture, KW Habilitation, Waterloo, Ontario
Summer: Greenhouse Coordinator, Community Garden Society of Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Summer: Greenhouse Supervisor, 30 & under, May-Aug., Community Garden Society of Inuvik, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Summer: Compost Intern, Community Garden Society of Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Manager of Operations, full-time, Georgina Community Food Pantry, Sutton/Georgina, York Region, Ontario
Non-profit Board Member / Board of Directors, vol., Imagine Canada, virtual/remote, anywhere in Canada
Communications/ public relations/ media relations: Press Secretary, full-time, Green Party of Ontario, Toronto ON
Urban fruit trees – Pick Leaders, vol. + fruit, Not Far From The Tree, Toronto ON
Operations Lead, 30 hours/week, Suppli (Sustainability start-up), Toronto, Ontario
Program Coordinator, 30 hours/week, Not Far From The Tree, Toronto ON
Donor Relations Coordinator, full-time, West Coast Environmental Law, Vancouver BC

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