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Save Canada — Fight Oligarchy

GoodWork is a Canadian project, operated by and for Canadians. Our goal is the greater good — all species, ecosystems, humans. But our primary focus is Canada.

We do not support or endorse the billionaire-controlled, so-called social media.

While cleverly pretending to be 'free', they bring enormous social and environmental harms.

Some people are becoming aware of this only now — while one of the most greedy, violent, climate denying governments in the world threatens to take over our country. 

“Whoever controls the media controls the mind.” – Jim Morrison

The media you choose matters. Where you post jobs and other valuable content matters. When you use Musk, Zuckerberg or other Trump-controlled media, are you contributing to the decline of civilization? Quite possibly! Power corrupts. We've already given far too much power into the hands of a few. Consider other choices such as GoodWork, email, CBC, NPRthe Guardian, Wikipedia, Bluesky, and Alternative Media.

To resist billionaire oligarchy, we need to communicate and get organized in ways that aren't under their control, their filtering, their algorithms.

This means moving away from dependency on corporate social media, to just about anything else. E.g. GoodWork, e-mail, websites, face-to-face, phone calls, community organizing

Act for a healthy and sustainable world!

Which is better, GoodWork or so-called social media?

Social media are alluring and deceptive.

People spend hours, just scrolling away, often neglecting other parts of their lives as well as their communities, social and environmental issues.

Companies and organizations hire paid staff or even entire departments, just to feed the social media machine.

But is it worth it? Do the harms outweigh the benefits? Is there a better way? You be the judge...

First and foremost, post with GoodWork because you'll fill the position with a great candidate. There are many more reasons –

Billionaire social media


Owned by billionaires, foreign interests and multinational corporations that are driven only by greed, profit and power.  A fully independent service. A social enterprise founded and operated by Canadians concerned about climate, the environment and society.
Climate deniers. Complicit with world's most powerful climate denier: Trump inauguration: Zuckerberg, Bezos and Musk. Fully independent and actively supporting work on the climate, food and biodiversity crisis for over 20 years.
Secret, deceptive algorithm that manipulates who sees and who doesn't see your posts, while creating the illusion that everybody sees them. No secret algorithm. All posts are visible without users having to search for them. Newest posts are at the top. Simple and transparent.
Addictive time waster. Action oriented. 
Hypnotic 'infinite scroll' – designed to distract and manipulate the vast majority of users. Simple and functional. No infinite scroll or other techniques designed to distract or manipulate you. 
'Cookies' that confuse users, invade your privacy, collect data and risk your security. No cookies. (If you want cookies, come on over and we'll bake some together.)
Supposedly 'free' — but actually under the control of powerful corporate influences. (See cartoon ) Free for job seekers, volunteers, and all site visitors. For employers, we offer a sliding scale fee -for-service. This even includes a 'can't pay' option. A unique approach that enables us to be free in the true sense of the word, rather than a slave to corporate masters.
Misinformation, disinformation, science denial, climate denial, hatred, racism and manipulative posts. Each posting is reviewed by our dedicated team. We do our absolute best to ensure that no scams, misinformation or disinformation gets through.
Fossil fuel companies, automakers and other corporate advertisors, interested in profits no matter what. No corporate funding. We serve only the employers who post and the many good people who read and use our site.
Blatantly partisan. Has influenced major elections and helped enable a shift to the far right, manipulated by misinformation and disinformation. Non-partisan. All parties must recognize that our economy can only thrive within a healthy ecosystem. All policies need to be redesigned with this overriding reality of our times.
The bottom line — cleverly, secretly designed by enormous teams of engineers and programmers to support billionaires' interests, power and control. Designed to help everyone work together for our common good — fight climate change, and protect our air, food, water, peace and security.

“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”

“You can post to social media all you want, but it will never get far! Trump, Zuckerberg and Musk control the algorithm. It's no longer your post – it's theirs.”

What to do...? 

  1. Avoid billionaire social media as much as possible.
  2. Use legitimate sources — public media, nonprofits, educational institutions — instead of billionaire media.
  3. Make other communication choices such as e-mail, phone calls and face-to-face.
  4. Use GoodWork!


What's better than social media?

  1. Use the real internet. Social media is not the internet — it is the billionaire class who are trying to replace the Internet for their own power and profit. Don't be fooled — shift your attention to the real world, and real websites. Read them, join them, subscribe, get involved.
  2. Remember e-mail? When you send something by email, it's almost certain that it gets received. Not so with social media. Their secret, proprietary algorithms determine who sees, and who doesn't see your posts. Yes, they create the illusion, because you see the post. Maybe even it gets some 'likes" or comments. But everything is controlled by their secret algorithm.
  3. Social media. If you must use social media, choose more ethical and sustainable ones. For example,, an alternative to Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter. Bluesky is an Open standard, Public benefit corporation | B Corp.
  4. Get out there! Don't just talk about it, or click about it, that leads to nothing much. Do it. For example, seek out green jobs, volunteering, membership and participation opportunities with real, green organzations and companies. Many can be found here...
  5. Grow food, build homes. Seriously. While we're all tippy-tappying on the keyboard, who's growing our food? Building our homes? Creating the energy that drives it all? Be part of the action, not just the chit-chat. Grow food... 
  6. Build real community. Connect face-to-face with neighours and real, local social networks. Participate and volunteer with local groups and organizations. Get organized (communitiy organizing).
  7. Break free of your phone! Millions are being manipulated, and wasting their lives, addicted to their iPhones. Minimize your phone time... and break free
  8. If you have money, support the real aternative to billionaire domination – Wikipedia. For many years, we've donated monthly. It's one of the last hopes we have for real and open communications.
  9. "Get a life". Garden. Build local community. Leave the car at home. Active travel. Volunteer. Anything that doesn't depend on ‘social’ hypnosis.

Sustainable, not just 'free'...

  • Search — Stop using Google and Bing. Switch to DuckDuckGo.
  • Web browser — Delete Chrome, Edge and Safari. Switch to Firefox.
  • Wikipedia — if the Trump and Musk billionaires are against it ...something must be up. Yet another attempt by Elon to seize power? Without true information, all is lost. Tired of clicking in social media? How about stepping it up a level — write for Wikpedia.  Donate. Comparison to corporate-controlled sources. (Note: Wikipedia has lots of detractors, mostly corporations and profiteers who feel threatened by Wikipedia's genuine, people- and planet-friendly mission.) 
  • EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation — The leader in democracy, open and honest communcation, ever since most of us fell asleep, hypnotized. | About
  • Canadian Journalists for Free Expression — Defending couragious reporting that might go against what the billionaires want, for 40 years. | Donate
  • Democracy Watch — Democracy Watch and Evidence for Democracy are two Canadian organizations dedicated to defending our democracy, in spite of billioinaire and foreign interests. Please support!
  • Open Media Canada — “to advance and support a media communications system in Canada that adheres to the principles of access, choice, diversity, innovation and openness.”
  • Creative Commons Canada — “A non-profit organization devoted to educational access and expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share”. When your motives are not merely to profit, there are many alternatives to the hyper-restrictive "all rights reserved" | About
  • Publicly funded broadcasters — such as CBC, BBCNPR, PBS and others. Public broadcasters | Alternative media
  • Bluesky — While Facebook, Instagram and Twitter/X are now firmly under billionaire control, Bluesky is at least one social media that is much more up and up. No secret algorithm controling what you see and don't see; no for-profit corporate control.
  • Search engines — If possible, use less biased, non-corporate ones such as DuckDuckGo. Not to mention web browsers such as Firefox and the free and open source operating system, Linux. “Just an app”, you say? But have you really thought that through? Ethics? Climate? Sustainability? Corporate control? 
  • GoodWork — Canada's hub for those who want to do something, not just click. Be the change, don't just click about it...


The harms of social media are all over the map: social anxiety, bullying, depression, inactivity, social disconnection, science and climate denial, manipulation of elections.

Sedated, avoidant, uncomfortably numb. Is that really what our  lives are meant for? If we continue to let the biillionaires manipulate us... only their cynicism wins. Environment? Climate action? Biodiversity? Health? Housing? Forget about it. For-profit social media will achieve little or nothing.

We can do much better! It's not too late to break free, get a life. When did we decide to give over control of our society, politics, sustainability... to a few billionaires?

2025 is precariously similar to both 1939 and 1984 (you choose). The billionaire class is trying to take over our minds, our lives, the economy. We can fight back if we choose to!

While the people are clicking, clicking, clicking — our lives, our world is being destroyed. For what? It doesn't even benefit the billionaires, for long. It's just a broken system. Who will bother to fix it? You? 


Cartoon credit: Geek and Poke, Creative Commons CC-BY-3.0.


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Note: The above is provided on an "As Is" basis and for general informational purposes only. People and Planet (also known as "GoodWork") is not responsible for the content, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, legality, reliability, quality or suitability of this posting. We do not screen or endorse the organizations or individuals involved. If you decide to accept an offer of employment, volunteering or any other arrangement, you do so at your own risk and it is your responsibility to take all protective measures to guard against injury, abuse, non-payment or any other loss. Please read our full Terms & Conditions.

Current status: Open/apply now.   Date posted: Feb 18 2025    ID: 72514