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Greenhouse Supervisor, 30 & under, May-Aug., Community Garden Society of Inuvik, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Summer: Community Gardens Facilitator, May-June or July-August, Ecosource, Mississauga ON
Summer: Urban Agriculture Assistants, May-June or July-August, Ecosource, Mississauga ON
Summer: Community Gardens Facilitator - Brampton, July-August, Ecosource, Brampton, GTA, Ontario
Lead Invasive Species Technicians, summer or seasonal, Coastal Invasive Species, Courtenay / Comox Valley / Nanaimo BC
Summer jobs: Invasive Species Technicians, Coastal Invasive Species Committee, Courtenay / Comox Valley / Nanaimo BC
Conservation Crew Member, full-time, April – November...., Freshwater Conservation Canada, Guelph ON
Education Assistant, May-August, rare Charitable Research Reserve, Cambridge, Ontario
Summer job: Education & Conservation Intern / Stagiaire, Nature NB, Fredericton, New Brunswick
Organic veggie gardens, Organic farming, summer & year round positions, Root Radical CSA, near Kingston, Ontario / on-site housing
Grade School Teacher, full-time, Polaris School and Centre, Ottawa ON
Wildlife & Habitat Intern, full-time, rare Charitable Research Reserve, Cambridge, Waterloo Region, Ontario
Outdoor Educator, Sea to Sky Outdoor School, Gambier Island BC / on site accom. **corrected e-mail address**
Summer job: Communications Assistant, Swim Drink Fish, Greater Toronto Area / Great Lakes, Ontario
Summer job: Water Programs Seasonal Coordinator (Niagara), Swim Drink Fish, Niagara Region, Ontario
Summer job: Development Assistant, Swim Drink Fish, Kingston / Great Lakes, Ontario
Summer job: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Coordinator, Swim Drink Fish, Greater Toronto Area / Great Lakes, Ontario
Summer job: Swim Guide Data Assistant, Swim Drink Fish, Greater Toronto Area / Great Lakes, Ontario
Summer job: Community-Based Water Monitoring, Swim Drink Fish Canada, Toronto ON
Forager's Apprentice, vol./profit share, Vancouver BC
Lodge / Nature Resort Servers, full-time, Bartlett Lodge, Algonquin Park (staff housing), Ontario
Wildlife Rescue Team Member, Toronto Wildlife Centre, Toronto, Ontario
Vegetable & flower farming, Green and Bloom Farm, near Orangeville & Shelburne, Ontario
Butterfly Field Assistant, May-Aug, 30 & under, Wildlife Preservation Canada, Norfolk ON (field accommodation provided)
Edible Gardener, contract, Seed & Nourish, Vancouver, North Vancouver & West Vancouver BC
Organic veggies and flower farming, 30 & under, on-site accom., Wheelbarrow Farm, GTA/ Durham Region, Ontario
Kitchen Production Associate, Crisper (plant based + zero waste), Toronto ON
Summer jobs: Outdoor Program Facilitators, Township of King, King City, GTA, Ontario
Organic farm staff, full-time, Lynn River Farm, Stratford, Ontario / housing
Seasonal farm assistant, full-time, West Coast Seeds, Delta, Metro Vancouver BC
New Farmer Supports & Land Worker, 30 & under, Ignatius Jesuit Centre, Guelph, Ontario
Summer jobs: Interns, full-time, 3 positions, Trufflepig Travel, Toronto ON
Summer job: Gardening assistant, will train, organic, no grass cutting, Oakville, Halton & Peel Region, Ontario
Bookkeeper, part-time, Global Indigenous Development Trust, remote, anywhere in Canada
Two positions: Field Crew Supervisor and AIS Technician, summer & seasonal, OASISS, Okanagan-Similkameen, Kelowna & Vernon, British Columbia
Landscape Gardener / Community Organizer, PEI Farm Centre Association, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Farm Program Coordinator, full-time, Earthwise Society, Agassiz BC / accom.
Community Forestry Program Assistant, full-time contract, 30 & under, Forêt Capitale Forest, Ottawa ON
Organic Farm Assistant: Herbs, Conservation and Agritourism, full-time, 30 & under, Hearts Content Organic Farm, Brantford ON / housing
Handy Person: Renovation Assistant & Community Outreach, full-time, Langford Conservancy, Brant County ON / optional housing
Gardening, full-time & part-time, Shades of Green, Toronto & Mississauga, Ontario
Outdoor Teachers/Facilitators, Nurture the Nature Forest School, Scarborough, GTA, Ontario
Organic farming, April/May-October, optional housing, Glorious Organics Cooperative, Aldergrove BC
Summer Day Camp Instructors / Nature Mentors, full-time, Soaring Eagle Nature School, Metro Vancouver BC
Farm Hand, April or May – Nov., age 30 & under, Wind Whipped Farm, Victoria BC
Calgary Business Development Lead, 12 week contract.., Green Economy Canada, Calgary, Alberta
Education Programs Assistant, 1 year contract, 30 & under, Vancouver Botanical Gardens, Vancouver BC
Guest Service Agents, full-time and part-time positions, Campbell River Whale Watching and Adventure Tours, Vancouver Island BC
Summer student jobs: Environmental Educators, 10 positions, Sea Smart, Vancouver BC

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