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All postings shown are currently active and accepting applications. (Postings are removed automatically on the deadline or closing date.) The date posted can be seen by hovering over the logo/image, and also at the very bottom of the text.
Vegetarian Cooks, part-time / seasonal, possible on-site accom., Salt Spring Centre of Yoga, Salt Spring Island BC
Forest Mentor, Tuesdays, EPIC Learning Community, Victoria, British Columbia
Community Canvassers, full-time or part-time, full training provided, all seasons, Wilderness Committee, Vancouver BC
Lead Grower, full-time, optional housing, Close to Home Organics, Abbotsford, Lower Mainland BC
Beekeeper, March-Oct., on-site lodging, experience not necessary, Golden Cariboo Honey, Lillooet BC
Organic farming, no experience necessary, incl. housing, April-October, Good Clean Farm, near Truro, Nova Scotia
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