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Admin and Operations Coordinator, full-time, Endangered Ecosystems Alliance, remote, anywhere in Canada
Administrative Coordinator, full-time (mat leave), Nature-Based Solutions Foundation, Vancouver, Victoria or anywhere in Canada
  All levels — latest postings  helpAll postings are open and accepting applications — apply now. (Postings are removed when filled.)
Bird Monitoring Biologist, full-time, Birds Canada, anywhere in Canada
Site Assistant, full-time, Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary, Saanich / Victoria BC
On-Call Event Support, short-term contracts, Rivershed Society of BC, Fraser Valley & Lower Mainland BC
Program Coordinator – Foodlands, full-time, Rivershed Society of BC, Fraser Watershed, British Columbia
Social Media Contractor, part-time, remote, Rivershed Society of BC, Fraser Watershed BC
Social Media Manager, full-time, Captain Paul Watson Foundation, Remote
Communications Officer, Captain Paul Watson Foundation, Remote
Forest Campaigner, full-time, Ancient Forest Alliance, Vancouver Island / Lower Mainland BC
Communications Manager – Watershed Security, full-time, Real Estate Foundation of BC, Vancouver BC / Hybrid / Remote
Office Administrator, 28 hours/week, Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary, Victoria BC
Invasive Species Education and Outreach Coordinator, full-time, Cranbrook/ Kimberley/ East Kootenay BC
Program Director, Marine Plan Partnership / Cumulative Effects Strategic Initiatives, full-time, North Coast-Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society, Prince Rupert BC
Lower Mainland Green Team Program Manager, full-time, Green Teams of Canada, Lower Mainland BC
Natural Resource Manager, full-time, Leq’á:mel First Nation, near Chilliwack / Fraser Valley BC
Environmental Door Canvassers, full-time or part-time, Wilderness Committee, Vancouver Island BC
Wildfires, smoke, climate crisis — you are needed. (Climate action jobs, volunteering, participation, more)
Door Canvassers, Wilderness Committee, Vancouver, British Columbia
Wildlife conservation organizations, volunteering, training, internships