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Executive Director, full-time, TTCriders, Toronto ON
Director or Senior Expert – Buildings, full-time, Dunsky Energy + Climate, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal or elsewhere in Canada
Executive Director, Exposed Wildlife Conservancy, remote / Western Canada
Operations Coordinator for Orchard Campus, Seed Facilities, and Field Work, full-time, Seed the North, Skeena / West Central BC (relocation assistance)
Executive Director — Updated (salary increase), Environmental Leadership & GreenPAC, Ottawa preferred
Executive Director, full-time, Northumberland Land Trust, Northumberland County, Ontario
Executive Director, full-time, Green Economy Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
Manager and Project Lead, full-time, Community Energy Cooperative Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
Executive Director, full-time, Ontario Nature, Toronto ON
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Project Biologist, full-time, Ontario Streams, Aurora, York Region / GTA, Ontario
Outdoor Facilitator, full-time, Rivers to Ridges, Whitehorse, Yukon
Gardener, full-time, Restorative Landscapes, downtown Toronto, Ontario
Climate Adaptation Specialist – Bilingual, full-time, CLIMAtlantic, virtual, anywhere in Atlantic Canada
Eco-friendly gardening & biodiversity, full-time, For Nature Gardening & Landcare, Peterborough, Ontario
Summer jobs, Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance, Moncton, New Brunswick
Strategic Lead – Green Infrastructure, full-time, EnviroCentre, remote in Ottawa / National Capital Region, Ontario
Digital Engagement and Marketing Manager, full-time, Oceana Canada, Halifax, Toronto, Ottawa or remote, anywhere in Canada
Communications Officer – Canada Energy Program, full-time, International Institute for Sustainable Development, hybrid in Ottawa, Toronto or Winnipeg
Camp Cook – Algonquin Park, incl. housing, Voyageur Quest, Algonquin Park, Ontario
Seasonal Farm Assistant, full-time, West Coast Seeds, Delta BC
Project Manager — Energy, full-time, City of Fort Saskatchewan, Fort Saskatchewan, near Edmonton, Alberta
Community Climate Action Mobilizers, 3 positions, contract, Youth Climate Corps BC, Vernon BC
Program Lead, full-time, Youth Climate Corps BC, Vernon BC
Program Coordinator, full-time, Youth Climate Corps BC, Vernon BC
Native Seed Technician, Hidden Habitat, Gravenhurst, Muskoka, Ontario
Finance and Administration Manager, 0.4 FTE, CKISS, Nelson BC
Farm team members, summer & seasonal positions, Salish Sea Regenerative Farm Society, Sechelt / Sunshine Coast BC
Communications Coordinator (Maternity Leave), full-time, MiningWatch Canada, remote in the Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal-Quebec City corridor
Grant Writer, part-time, MiningWatch Canada, remote in the Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal-Quebec City corridor
Avian Field Asisstant, May-June, housing, student or recent grad, Pelee Island Bird Observatory, Ontario
Senior Trail Technician / By-Law Officer, Township of Algonquin Highlands, Haliburton County, Ontario
Trail Technician / By-Law Officer, Township of Algonquin Highlands, Haliburton County, Ontario
Team Leads, volunteer, Talk Climate to Me, virtual, women anywhere in Canada
Organic farming, April-October, optional housing, Glorious Organics Cooperative, Aldergrove BC
Strategic Partnerships and Trainings Coordinator, full-time, Change Course, virtual, anywhere in Canada
Summer job: Sea Turtle Educational Outreach Intern, Canadian Sea Turtle Network, Halifax Waterfront, Nova Scotia
Naturalization / Community Tree Planting, 8 week contract, LEAF, Toronto ON
Indigenous: Naturalization / Community Tree Planting, 8 week contract, LEAF, Toronto ON
Summer job: Horticulture Lead, no spray, Bruce Botanical Food Garden, near Lake Huron / Kincardine, Ontario
Assistant Fisheries Technician(s), full-time seasonal, Pacific Salmon Commission, Abbotsford BC
Vessel Operator(s), full-time seasonal, Pacific Salmon Commission, Abbotsford BC
Assistant Urban Farm Manager, April-Nov., City Beet Farm, Vancouver BC
Database Coordinator, 20 hours/week, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, remote, anywhere in Canada
Summer job: Education Outreach Coordinator, Pelee Island Bird Observatory, from home in the Windsor area, Ontario
Turtle Nest Monitoring, mid-May to mid-July, Wildlife Preservation Canada, Fraser Valley BC
Nature Network Senior Organizer – Protected Areas, full-time, Nature Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
Communications Campaigner (bilingual), full-time, Greenpeace Canada, virtual/remote, anywhere in Canada
Campaigner (bilingual), full-time, Greenpeace Canada, Ottawa / Montreal / flexible
Landscaping Crew, full-time, Eco-Yards, Calgary, Alberta
Organic, no-till veg & seeds, age 30 & under, April/May-Oct/Nov, Persephone Market Garden, near Sauble Beach, Ontario / optional housing

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