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Digital Engagement and Marketing Manager, full-time, Oceana Canada, Halifax, Toronto, Ottawa or remote, anywhere in Canada
Summer job: Sea Turtle Educational Outreach Intern, Canadian Sea Turtle Network, Halifax Waterfront, Nova Scotia
Assistant Fisheries Technician(s), full-time seasonal, Pacific Salmon Commission, Abbotsford BC
Vessel Operator(s), full-time seasonal, Pacific Salmon Commission, Abbotsford BC
Communications Campaigner (bilingual), full-time, Greenpeace Canada, virtual/remote, anywhere in Canada
Campaigner (bilingual), full-time, Greenpeace Canada, Ottawa / Montreal / flexible
Non-profit board members / Board of directors positions, vol./board, Greenpeace, virtual/remote, anywhere in Canada
Education & Stewardship Coordinator, full-time, Discovery Passage Aquarium Society, Campbell River BC
Program Manager, full-time, North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society, Prince Rupert BC / Hybrid
Summer student jobs: Environmental Educators, 10 positions, Sea Smart, Vancouver BC
Board Member / Director, vol./board, Mind Your Plastic, remote, anywhere in Canada
Indigenous summer job: youth ages 16-30, Eelgrass Restoration, Halifax, Nova Scotia (applicants from all over Canada encouraged to apply)
Postdoc Fellow or Equivalent in Applied Genomics of Sockeye Salmon, Salmon Watersheds Lab, Nanaimo / North and Central Coast of British Columbia
Senior Fisheries Biologist, full-time, LGL Limited, Sidney BC, Vancouver Island / Greater Victoria BC

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