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National Manager, Ocean Program, full-time, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, remote, anywhere in Canada
Head of Communications, four day work-week, Greenpeace Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or remote, anywhere in Canada
Co-Head of Program, four day work-week, Greenpeace Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or remote, anywhere in Canada
Director of Communications & Programs, four day work-week, Greenpeace Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or remote, anywhere in Canada
Head of Actions & Organizing, four day work-week, Greenpeace Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or remote, anywhere in Canada
  All levels — latest postings  helpAll postings are open and accepting applications — apply now. (Postings are removed when filled.)
Environmental Educator, summer/seasonal, North Coast Ecology Centre Society, Prince Rupert BC
Fisheries Policy Coordinator, full-time, Central Coast Indigenous Resource Alliance, anywhere in BC
Summer job: Summer Camp Supervisor / Environmental Educator, Sea Smart School Society, Vancouver BC
Guest Service Agents, full-time and part-time positions, Campbell River Whale Watching and Adventure Tours, Vancouver Island BC
Summer student jobs: Environmental Educators, 10 positions, Sea Smart, Vancouver BC
Summer/seasonal: Dockside surveyors, 5 positions, North Coast Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society, Prince Rupert BC
Board Member / Director, vol./board, Mind Your Plastic, remote, anywhere in Canada

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