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  Senior positions  |  All positions  helpSkip to the latest junior and intermediate positions...
Executive Director, full-time, Climate Caucus, remote, anywhere in Canada
Director of Regional Pathways, full-time, The Transition Accelerator, remote, anywhere in Canada
Director of Net-Zero Fuels, full-time, The Transition Accelerator, remote, anywhere in Canada
  All levels — latest postings  helpAll postings are open and accepting applications — apply now. (Postings are removed when filled.)
Investment Associate, full-time, Tapestry Community Capital, Toronto or remote, anywhere in Canada
Administrative Coordinator, East Coast Environmental Law, remote, anywhere in Atlantic Canada
Climate Journalism Fellowship, The Energy Mix, remote, anywhere in Canada
Nature Sanctuary Site Assistant, full-time, Swan Lake Christmas Hill, Saanich / Victoria BC
Senior Manager, Drinking Water Program, full-time, Water First, Creemore ON, or remote, anywhere in Canada
Treasurer, vol./board, Rethink Sustainability Initiatives, virtual / remote / anywhere in Canada
Strategic Planning Consultant, contract, Nature Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
Communications Lead, full-time, EnviroCentre, National Capital Region / Ottawa, Ontario
Endangered Species Conservation & Management — Canada's New Noah, post-grad scholarship / training / field research, Canada & Mauritius 2025
Bird Monitoring Biologist, full-time, Birds Canada, anywhere in Canada
Education, social media & communications volunteers, vol., Springbay Studio, virtual, anywhere in Canada
Social Media Manager, full-time, Captain Paul Watson Foundation, Remote
Communications Officer, Captain Paul Watson Foundation, Remote
Digital Content Creator, part-time, Captain Paul Watson Foundation, Remote
Forest Campaigner, full-time, Ancient Forest Alliance, Vancouver Island / Lower Mainland BC
Katimavik's National Experience, free / expenses covered incl. transportation, activities, housing, locations across Canada
BIPOC Micro-Grants – Fellowships for BIPOC in environment, stipend, professional development..., anywhere in Canada
Senior Software Manager, full-time, E Source, remote, Canada or United States
Software Engineer, full-time, E Source, remote, Canada or United States
Environmental Door Canvassers, full-time or part-time, Wilderness Committee, Vancouver Island BC
Community building / Skill sharing hosts, volunteer / barter, Life.School.House, anywhere in Canada
Wildfires, smoke, climate crisis — you are needed. (Climate action jobs, volunteering, participation, more)
Sustainable & Organic Farming Apprentices 2023, live on-farm, locations across Canada
Women in Environment, Nature, Peace, Climate Action — groups, organizations and resources
Local, Natural & Organic Food Stores, full-time, part-time & self-employment, across Canada
Wildlife conservation organizations, volunteering, training, internships
Grow food — grow your own, jobs, internships, volunteer... anywhere in Canada
Be the change, right here, right now
Indigenous Peoples, First Nations and the Environment (organizations, jobs, internships, volunteering, resources)