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  Senior positions  |  All positions  helpSkip to the latest junior and intermediate positions...
Director or Senior Expert – Buildings, full-time, Dunsky Energy + Climate, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal or elsewhere in Canada
Executive Director, Exposed Wildlife Conservancy, remote / Western Canada
Executive Director, full-time, Green Economy Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
Manager and Project Lead, full-time, Community Energy Cooperative Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
  All levels — latest postings  helpAll postings are open and accepting applications — apply now. (Postings are removed when filled.)
Hardware developers & advisors for a food wastewater treatment start up, unpaid startup opportunity, Toronto or remote/virtual
Climate Adaptation Specialist – Bilingual, full-time, CLIMAtlantic, virtual, anywhere in Atlantic Canada
Strategic Lead – Green Infrastructure, full-time, EnviroCentre, remote in Ottawa / National Capital Region, Ontario
Digital Engagement and Marketing Manager, full-time, Oceana Canada, Halifax, Toronto, Ottawa or remote, anywhere in Canada
Team Leads, volunteer, Talk Climate to Me, virtual, women anywhere in Canada
Strategic Partnerships and Trainings Coordinator, full-time, Change Course, virtual, anywhere in Canada
Database Coordinator, 20 hours/week, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, remote, anywhere in Canada
Communications Campaigner (bilingual), full-time, Greenpeace Canada, virtual/remote, anywhere in Canada
Summer student: Education programs administrator, Watersheds Canada, virtual / remote, anywhere in Canada
Non-profit board members / Board of directors positions, vol./board, Greenpeace, virtual/remote, anywhere in Canada
Policy Research Associate (Energy Poverty), full-time, Efficiency Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
Education & Stewardship Coordinator, full-time, Discovery Passage Aquarium Society, Campbell River BC
Herbal gardener, May-October, Innisfree Farm & Botanic Garden, near Courtenay, Vancouver Island BC
Board Members / Directors, vol./board, Green Communities Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
Watersheds Campaign Lead, full-time, Watershed Watch Salmon Society, virtual/remote, anywhere in British Columbia
Kitchen Coordinator/Chef, LUSH Valley Food Action Society, Courtenay BC
Catering Chef, contract/casual, LUSH Valley Food Action Society, Courtenay BC
Board Member / Director, vol./board, Mind Your Plastic, remote, anywhere in Canada
Guest Relations Manager, full-time, Strathcona Park Lodge and Outdoor Education Centre, Vancouver Island BC / live on-site or commute from Campbell River
Managing Chef, full-time, Strathcona Park Lodge, Vancouver Island BC / live on-site or commute from Campbell River
Research Mobilization Lead, full-time, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, Victoria or remote anywhere in BC
Global Climate Strike 2025, April 11, vol./participate, Canada & Worldwide, plus links, jobs, organizations, resources
Outreach Strategist, National Farmers Union, Saskatoon or remote, anywhere in Canada 
Field Internships, Conservation and Stewardship, 3 - 4 positions, 6 weeks, includes accom. & food, vol., QLF, Maritimes (candidates from across Canada invited)
Senior Software Developer, full-time, EnergyPal, anywhere in Canada
BC Manager, full-time, Young Agrarians, remote office in BC
Youth for Resilient Communities, free youth program, ages 18-30, Waterlution, across Canada
Food Program Assistant, casual, Cumberland Community Schools Society, near Courtenay BC
Managing Director, full-time, World United, virtual/remote, anywhere in Canada
Postdoc Fellow or Equivalent in Applied Genomics of Sockeye Salmon, Salmon Watersheds Lab, Nanaimo / North and Central Coast of British Columbia
Farm Hand, full-time, on-farm accom., summer or seasonal, Two Roads Farm (human scale, agroecology), Denman Island BC
Kids' World of Energy Festival – Adult Volunteers (18 & up), $150 stipend, Relay Education, various locations across Canada (in January or February)
International Just Transition Coordinator, full-time, bilingual preferred, Climate Action Network, anywhere in Canada
Parents & families concerned about climate change — connect, take action, volunteer, For Our Kids, across Canada
Head of Facilities, full-time, Research station in coastal BC, Hakai Institute / Tula Foundation, British Columbia (includes on-site accommodations)
Environmental Technician, full-time, ENKON Environmental, Surrey BC or remote, anywhere in Canada
Sustainable & Organic Farming Apprentices 2025, live on-farm, locations across Canada
Conservation Assessors, volunteer, free training, The Centre for Land Conservation, remote, anywhere in Canada
Environmental Door Canvassers, full-time or part-time, Wilderness Committee, Vancouver Island BC
Wildfires, smoke, climate crisis — you are needed. (Climate action jobs, volunteering, participation, more)
Local, Natural & Organic Food Stores, full-time, part-time & self-employment, across Canada
Wildlife conservation organizations, volunteering, training, internships
Grow food — grow your own, jobs, internships, volunteer... anywhere in Canada
Be the change, right here, right now
Indigenous Peoples, First Nations and the Environment (organizations, jobs, internships, volunteering, resources)