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Volunteer Opportunities

Kids' World of Energy Festival Volunteers

Join Relay Education facilitators as they go into schools using hands-on experiments to teach about science. This will be a fun day!

Needed: Adult Volunteers (ages 18 and up) for the Kids' World of Energy Festival
Stipend: $150 per a day in the form of a Giftogram

Duration: The length of a school day. The Kids' World of Energy Festival  will occur over multiple days from January 15th - March 31st
Organization: Relay Education (TREC Charitible Foundation)
Weblink to the event:
Locations: Vancouver Island, BC, Vancouver BC, Quesnel, BC, Calgary, AB

Activity Description

Relay Education is bringing field trips to multiple schools for the Kids' World of Energy Festival!

Relay Education’s Kids' World of Energy Festival is a school-based event that exposes students to a variety of energy types in a hands-on environment. Students get a chance to explore wind power with wind turbines, solar power with solar panels, electricity with circuits, and biogas with chemical mixtures.

The following is a description of the day:

There will be 4 stations setup in a space within the school. Each station will have a hands-on activity that is directed by volunteers or Relay Education staff. 4 classes (one class at a time) will come to the space for approximately 1 hour. The Relay Education lead will give a short presentation about the event to the class. After the presentation, the classroom of students will break into 4 groups. Each group will go to a station. When the students get to the first station, you will provide passport sheets to the students which will be used at all of the stations. You will have approximately 12-14 minutes to complete the activity with your group. Once you hear a signal from the Relay Education lead, your group will switch to the next station, and you will receive a new group of students. This will continue until you have engaged all 4 groups of students.

What do you need to be able to do?

  • Be comfortable with speaking to and directing groups of children from diverse backgrounds;
  • Good to have knowledge of and a passion for environmental issues, teaching, technology, engineering, and/or science;
  • Have a great sense of humour
  • Please be punctual. Your role will be extremely important for the day.

How to connect with us to participate as a volunteer:

Please send an email to:

In the email, place the code for your province in the subject line along with the city or town.

For example: If you want to volunteer in Calgary, Alberta, you would place Calgary, AB in the subject line

The following are the codes for the participating provinces:

  • Nova Scotia: NS
  • Quebec: QC
  • Alberta: AB
  • British Columbia: BC
  • Ontario: ON

Within the body of the email, please share your name, educational background, and why you would want to assist with the activities.

A faciliator will follow up with you to share more information.

No phone calls please.


About Relay Education

Relay Education is an innovative charity that educates, assists and engages individuals and communities about renewable energy and energy conservation through diverse learning programs.

Relay delivers renewable energy and environmental education programs in classrooms and communities. Relay is creating systemic change for a greener future and fostering the next generation of green energy leaders.

For more information about Relay Education, please visit our website:

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Current status: Open/apply now.   Date posted: Feb 23 2025    ID: 72302