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Needed: Drone / Ground Videographer
Organization: FreshwaterVI
Location: Vancouver Island, BC
FreshwaterVI is a collaborative platform for mapping and exploring fresh water resources on Vancouver Island. We invite you to contribute drone and ground video of streams, rivers, lakes and estuaries to build a comprehensive Google Map showcasing the Island’s water resources.
We also provide a range of tools for Canadian Drone Pilots including training courses, guides, and videos for improving piloting and business skills, as well as staying up-to-date on regulations.
Here’s how to get involved…
Go to FreshwaterVI.org to take part in this great project!
Here’s just a screenshot from the website of a detailed local map – the Kw'a'luxw (Englishman) River Watershed. With your help, we will build one for each of the 115 main watersheds on the island, add more feature layers, and embed location icons that link to the videos that we create. To see how this all works, you can explore the interactive version of this watershed on our website, and then click on the yellow icon to view a video of the Kw'a'luxw (Englishman) River estuary.
Thanks for reading. We believe that this could be a great project for environmental groups looking to raise awareness and support (you can embed any of our maps in your website) as well as an educational resource for schools and communities throughout this amazing island.
Adrian Fletcher
Please mention you saw this at GoodWork.ca.
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Current status: Open/apply now. Date posted: Nov 22 2024 ID: 70718