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Market Gardener, Farm Hand / Apprentice 

Market Garden, farm & food forest (veggies, fruits & herbs)

Position: Market Gardener, Farm Hand Apprentice
Type: 32 hours a week (for 16 weeks) Monday to Friday

Paid 18$/hr plus vegetables to take home at the end of the day.

Farm: Earthling Farm | Instagram | Facebook
Location: Forest Hill, near Wolfville, Nova Scotia
Season: Start date: June 9th,2025 (Monday) – End Date: September 30th, 2025 (16 weeks full time with possible extension until October 15th) 

Greetings Good Workers,

Please read the WHOLE profile first before applying.

We are Meg and Erich, and our small baby Leyda-Anonna, together with our animals and plants we make up our Farm and Food Forest!

  • Meg is a passionate permaculture farmer, seed saver, dancer, nature loving, community herbalist, tea maker, art lover, animal lover, who moved to the Farm in June 2022. Meg farmed in B.C., on southern Vancouver Island for 7 seasons and now farming in N.S. Meg whips up delicious farm fresh food every day and believes in the power of delicious fresh grown and harvested food to bring communities together in a celebratory way! Meg is also an inspired walker and grower of perennial native and introduced plant garden Labyrinths.
  • Erich grew up in Wolfville, loves playing many instruments, loves veggies and different ways to prepare tasty healthy food, studied Geography in Quebec at Bishop's University, planted over 2 Million trees in Western Canada's reforestation industry for 13 seasons, travelled seasonally to volunteer on various small farms and natural building projects across Nova Scotia, B.C, Ontario, California, New Mexico, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ecuador, France, Spain, Portugal, and Nepal. Erich recently moved back to Gaspereau, Nova Scotia to start a Cooperative Permaculture Farm and Arts homested in 2019!
  • Erich and Meg met in 2022 fell in Love and now have a beloved bebe Leyda Anonna Rose ❤️

Wolfville, Gaspereau and Grand Pre are beautifully located in the beautiful lands and waters of the unceeded Mi'k Mak'i First Nation territory, colonized as Nova Scotia.

Mixed hardwood and conifer forests, roll along hills into farmland and dykelands constructed by the Acadian peoples, merging with the shores of the Bay of Fundy, which claim the highest tides on the planet.

There are numerous freshwater rivers, lakes and seaside swimming spots for those hot summer days or those wintery cold water submersions!

Its a big dream of Erich and Meg's to create an abundant and vibrant Cooperative Arts Farm and Ecology (CAFE) homestead, with multiple private cabins, that hosts farm team residents, travellers, guests, and people who are passionate and keen about realizing and expressing their inspirations through growing food organically and engaging in a dedicated heart felt creative practice in the arts or trade of their choosing!

Mission: Planning, Planting and Propagating as diverse, productive and ecological market garden and homestead as is manageable, while balancing creative free-time with family and friends.

Vision: An Abundant cooperative homestead with diverse, permaculture gardens, strawbale cob guest cabins and an earthship education and arts center that hosts an evolving seed bank, plant collection, seasonal workshops and picnic-potlucks with musical acts!

Rooted in Growing and Producing as Much Food as is Managable on the Land, Building Foundations in Regenerative Food Production on the Homested is the current priority for Farm at this time.

Living on the land, dedicated to growing and regenerating fertility, and biodiversity in the soil and plant eco-systems is a crucial aspect of building the dream we wish to live here on the farm.

Farm Tasks and Goals of keeping up with seeding, planting, and plant care are a priority for this position.

This Farm is an up-and-coming small-scale, mixed-vegetable and fruit Farm and Arts homestead in Gaspereau, Nova Scotia, Canada.

We are currently seeking collaborators for our 2025, Summer and Fall growing season!

Thanks for all the Wonderful Guests and Good Workers who helped out over the years!

  • We are looking for the right person to join us for a full season, 16 week placement , June 9th to end of September30th with possible extension to October 15.
      32 hrs a week at 18$/hr. 

We invite motivated, open, enthusiastic, diligent and playful individuals who have a passion for nature and community to learn and work together with us to bring to fruition our 2025 Garden Plan!

The Farm offers a space for people who seek to thrive in an experiential learning environment with organic farming influenced by permaculture principles.

Farm Tasks are priority and vary depending on the season.

A general break-down of seasonal tasks looks like:

  • Spring: Indoor/Outdoor seeding, plant propagation, garden bed preparation, greenhouse maintenence, planting of vegetables, berry crops, trees, early harvests, washing, packing preparing for farmers markets and our CSA, caring for our chickens.
  • Summer: Watering with irrigation, Harvests, Wash/pack of produce, Markets, seeding and planting for Fall harvests, Hosting potluck and special events, chicken care.
  • Fall: Harvests, Markets, planting garlic, putting the garden to bed/preparing for winter, wood chores, chicken care.

 Farm Assistant Schedule:

  • Mon, Tuesday, (Wed or Thurs), and Friday 8am-5pm (1hr lunch break) 8hrs/day = 32hrs/week
  • Or if it's too hot we will work more in the mornings and evenings, and break during the hottest hours.
  • Farm Assistant must bring own lunch and can take home farm fresh produce to have for their home meals.

Farm Assistant Tasks will include:

  • Seeding and watering transplant trays,
  • Prepping, amending, and maintaining, weeding garden beds with silage tarps and hand-tools like push forks, broadforks, hoe, shovel, rake.
  • Setting up and watering with drip and sprinkler irrigation
  • Caring for laying hens, egg collection, coop maintenance and compost creation
  • Direct seeding and Transplanting of vegetable crops
  • Watering, Harvesting, Washing and Packing of produce
  • Planting annual vegetables and food forest plants, Fruit Trees, perennial shrubs, Vines, ground cover plants, nitrogen fixing trees, hardwood trees, grapes, strawberries and more!
  • Coming up with newer creative ways to find more markets for our produce and to increase efficiency and production capacity within our small-scale operation.

For more info visit

Send an email cover letter application to: and we can see about calling you back for an interview!

Applicants must have accomodation close enough to the farm to able to arrive to work on time 4 days a week and be able to work for 8hr days. 

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Current status: Open/apply now.   Date posted: Jan 30 2025    ID: 72685