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Home | Job Postings | Summer Camp Jobs

Vancouver Summer Camps, Social Justice, Environmental Justice

Needed: Leadership Development Volunteers
Reports to: Camp Director
Rate of Pay: Honorarium ($200)
Dates: July 21-25, 2025 (training/set-up July 19/20, clean-up/debrief Friday night or Saturday July 26)

Camp: Vancouver Unitarians: Magical Mayhem Camp
Location: Vancouver, BC

Leadership Development (LD) volunteers with Vancouver Unitarians’ Magical Mayhem Camp are students ages 14-17 who partner with camp staff to provide direct care, support, supervision and assistance to campers. LD positions are for one week of the summer and adhere to Vancouver Unitarian policies, procedures, and vision to create a more compassionate world.

LD volunteers participate in leading immersive role play with campers ages 7-12 throughout the week. LDs are responsible for providing direct support and supervision for a group of up to 6 children through both free choice, project work, and organised classes.

Vancouver Unitarians Magical Camp is intentionally respectful of all identities and backgrounds, including the full diversity of gender identities and expressions. A high level of respect is expected of all our personnel.

Duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

Creative Context

  • Hold the creative context of the camp in the world of Integria between the hours of 9 am and 4 pm. Create the magic container for the campers.
  • Create a character for the week ahead of the start of camp that identifies you as a leader
  • Hold the safety and wellbeing of campers above the creative context–real connection and care are a priority.
  • Help campers understand and enjoy the creative role play, participating at their level as they are able.
  • Participate in the end of week Faire and theatrical presentation of the council meeting, perform any designated roles in a leadership capacity.

Camper Care

  • Attend to the camper’s emotional wellbeing, ensuring they feel secure, comfortable, and welcome in the camp environment.
  • Be familiar with your assigned campers’ support needs (if any) and/or behavioural issues or any allergy alerts and act according to the care support guidelines provided by the Camp Directors.
  • Encourage each camper’s independence and recognise potentials for stretches and personal growth.
  • Conduct one’s self as an effective role model at all times.
  • Assist assigned campers in selecting activities as appropriate.
  • Encourage maximum camper participation in all activities, while respecting a camper’s personal choice to not participate in an activity, or to participate in a different way that respects the safety and engagement of fellow campers.
  • Immediately report any concerns regarding the camper’s emotional/physical wellbeing or behaviour to the Camp Leaders.


  • Report all accidents or illnesses to a Camp Leader immediately.
  • Follow the directions of the Camp Director/Leaders at all times.
  • In the event of an emergency, follow the appropriate procedures reviewed during training.


  • Assist Camp Leaders in coordinating activities outside of scheduled program periods.
  • Participate in all camp activities.
  • Take your scheduled break to ensure healthy work capacity for everyone.
  • Offer feedback and input into planning programs.
  • Carry the storyline through the week and participate in the presentation of the Council at the start of the Faire.


  • Attend and participate in all staff meetings.
  • Fulfil duties assigned during daily cleanup.
  • Perform various duties surrounding the camp program and camper care as required throughout the week.
  • Fulfil duties assigned during Friday night cleanup, which includes extended hours.
  • Adhere to Vancouver Unitarians code of conduct, covenant of healthy relations, privacy, safety, and other related policies.

Submit Application Form or Resume and Letter of Interest:

Apply here: 

Or by e-mail to:
Subject: Leadership development application
Attention: Kiersten Moore, Lifespan Programs Director

Please mention you saw this at

Vancouver Unitarians
949 W. 49th Ave,
Vancouver BC  V5Z 2T1


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Current status: Open/apply now.   Date posted: Mar 4 2025    ID: 73051