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Positions: Youth Advisory Committee Members (4-5 positions)
Organization: GreenPAC & ELC (Environmental Leadership Canada)
Location: anywhere in Canada
Compensation: Voluntary with a $50 honorarium per committee meeting


GreenPAC is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that works to inspire, activate and amplify environmental leadership in politics.

Environmental Leadership Canada (ELC) is a registered Canadian charity that aims to build and empower a new generation of environmental leaders and enhance the civic engagement of everyday Canadians, particularly youth, who are passionate about environmental stewardship. Both organizations share a vision for the health of the planet to be a driving priority in Canadian politics.

GreenPAC works toward its mission by engaging in elections with tactics like debates and candidate endorsements to make sure that environmental leadership is a top priority. GreenPAC convenes a range of events to educate, mobilize, and increase the capacity of environmental champions in politics, environmental advocates, and environmental voters. GreenPAC has also started a range of programs to support emerging environmental leaders.

In 2023, GreenPAC helped to launch ELC, which has taken over the delivery of several programs and initiatives founded by GreenPAC that engage and elevate youth voices in Canadian politics. ELC’s Parliamentary Internship for the Environment and Municipal Climate Internship programs provide experiential learning opportunities that build participants’ knowledge of political systems and processes and enhance their capacity to engage in our democracy and grow as environmental leaders (GreenPAC remains a delivery partner). Check out our websites and social accounts to learn more about our work.

Given the youth focus of much of our work and recognizing that we are not a youth-led organization, GreenPAC and ELC established a Youth Advisory Committee in fall 2023 to inform and guide our work. We are now seeking up 4-5 new new youth representatives (aged 18-35) members from across Canada.


  • Organization: GreenPAC & ELC
  • Compensation: Voluntary with a $50 honorarium per committee meeting
  • Term: 1-year term (with renewal for up to 2 terms)
  • Qualifications: Aged 18-35 (as of the start of the term, November 18th, 2024)
  • Commitment: Four 60-120 minute meetings (quarterly) per year (online); Occasional engagement in between meetings to share ideas, feedback and advice, or to share information about our youth-focused initiatives with your networks

How to Apply:

Please complete this form by November 1, 2024. Please mention you saw this at GoodWork.

More about the Committee:

We are seeking new members from across Canada to replenish and grow our Committee, with a minimum of 30% of members from equity-deserving communities and 50% identifying as women or non-binary.

The Committee will serve in three main roles:

  1. Advise GreenPAC’s and ELC’s executive and program teams on programming strategies and tactics (e.g. events, program expansion, new program ideas), providing feedback and suggestions to strengthen impact and relevance to youth.
  2. Conduct periodic outreach about GreenPAC’s and ELC’s youth-focused initiatives (e.g. sharing information when our Parliamentary Internship for the Environment recruitment opens or about events for youth on social media).
  3. Recruiting and nominating potential youth board members for the Board of Directors, including providing recommendations for onboarding and retention.


The only qualifications for the role are that you are between 18 and 35, are passionate about environmental leadership and have an interest in politics (even if you are new to it or your interest includes distrust), and are committed to dedicating some time, energy and ideas to the Committee.

  • Members are not expected to have political or environmental knowledge or experience but this is welcomed
  • Experience with youth-focused programming, environmental or political organizing, advocacy, or community engagement, youth internship programs, or events planning could be helpful
  • Enthusiasm for GreenPAC’s and ELC’s mission and programs and contributing to the Committee is important
  • Passion about making sure youth ideas and leadership of all kinds are meaningfully uplifted and incorporated in decision-making in environmental politics
  • Willingness to commit to a one-year term (though members will serve voluntarily at their will and may step down for the Committee at any time - we know life can take unexpected turns!).

Why Get Involved:

  • Contribute to and help to shape the relevance to youth and impact of a small non-profit organization
  • Learn more about the non-profit sector and environmental politics
  • Build up your experience working on committees and boards
  • Connect with other youth leaders and grow your network

We welcome you to apply even if you aren’t sure this Committee is right for you. If we invite you for a conversation, it will not be an interview, but a two-way dialogue so you can also ask us questions and make sure the Committee/GreenPAC/ELC is a place that you want to dedicate your time, skills and attention. If you have questions upfront, we’d be happy to answer them. Please contact Raymond Dang at .

Additional Information

We are working to make sure all parts of GreenPAC and ELC (team, board, advisors and committee) represent the diversity of the Canadian population and that our organization is fully inclusive. We recognize that anything less is a hindrance to our strength as an organization. GreenPAC and ELC are fully committed to making sure our work contributes to uprooting the systemic racism and oppression in the systems of government and legislatures where our work is focused and that have enabled the environmental harm we work to repair.

Learn More About GreenPAC

Learn More About ELC

How to Apply:

Please complete this form by November 1, 2024. Please mention you saw this at GoodWork.


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Current status: Open/apply now.   Date posted: Oct 15 2024    ID: 72079