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Biodiversity Conservation Field Work

Needed: Stream Biomonitoring Program Participants
Type: volunteer + free accommodation (see below)
Location: Talamanca/Bocas del Toro, Costa Rica

This program is looking for international volunteers to assist staff in carrying out biological assessments (fish, benthic macro-invertebrates and habitats), including in-stream visual surveys with mask and snorkel.

Volunteers are required during the main monitoring season of mid-January to mid-May, 2025. A 10 week minimum commitment is required.

This program is unique because of its blend of scientific research and applied conservation, working with indigenous and campesino communities. It is based in one of the world’s premier biodiversity “Hot Spots”.

This is a free volunteer program and participants receive free accommodation, field trips, lunches during field work days and in-country transportation.

Find more information about the Stream Biomonitoring Program on our website, including reviews from ex-volunteers.

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Current status: Open/apply now.   Date posted: Sep 30 2024    ID: 72000