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Head of Communications, four day work-week, Greenpeace Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or remote, anywhere in Canada
Co-Head of Program, four day work-week, Greenpeace Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or remote, anywhere in Canada
Director of Communications & Programs, four day work-week, Greenpeace Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or remote, anywhere in Canada
Head of Actions & Organizing, four day work-week, Greenpeace Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver or remote, anywhere in Canada
Executive Director, full-time, TTCriders, Toronto ON
Director or Senior Expert – Buildings, full-time, Dunsky, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal or elsewhere in Canada
Operations Coordinator for Orchard Campus, Seed Facilities, and Field Work, full-time, Seed the North, Skeena / West Central BC (relocation assistance)
Executive Director — Updated (salary increase), Environmental Leadership & GreenPAC, Ottawa preferred
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Summer job: Ecological Stewardship Assistant, Humber Arboretum, Toronto ON
Communications Coordinator, full-time, Clean Air Partnership, Toronto ON / Hybrid
Buildings Decarbonization Coordinator, full-time, Clean Air Partnership, Toronto ON / Hybrid
Vegetable Gardener Technician, full-time, The Backyard Urban Farm Company, Etobicoke, Toronto ON
Regenerative Agriculture Project Manager, full-time, PUR, remote from Saskatchewan, or in-person in Toronto
Program Manager – Green Infrastructure, full-time, Green Venture, Hamilton / Stoney Creek area, Ontario
Grow Food / Field Work, April-October, North Field Food Farm, Hope House, Guelph, Ontario
Teaching and Creative Counsellors, 1 week summer day camp, Vancouver Unitarians, Vancouver BC
Leadership Development Jr. Counselors, vol./honorarium, 1 week summer day camp, Vancouver Unitarians, BC
School Administration, full-time, Trillium Waldorf School, Guelph, Ontario
Summer: Camp Counsellors, 3 positions, June-August, EcoStart Summer Camp / Ecosource, Mississauga, GTA ON
Garden Facilitators, part-time, The Giving Garden, Stoney Creek, Greater Hamilton, Ontario
Grant Writer, vol./honorarium, Cortes Island Academy, remote, anywhere in Canada
Executive Director, Canadians for Tax Fairness, virtual/ remote, anywhere in Canada
Project and Division Manager (Inter-Government Affairs), full-time, Seabird Island Band, Agassiz BC
Summer jobs: Trail Support Coordinator, 2 positions, Hike Nova Scotia, remote work, Halifax and Sydney, Nova Scotia
Lead Gardener, full-time, Sustainable Roots Ecological Restoration, Pickering / GTA, Ontario
Herb growing internship, live on-farm (stipend+ room+ board), April-Oct., Stoeckli Organics Teas & Herbs, Lake Huron, Ontario
Summer job: Trail Ambassador, The Riverwood Conservancy, Mississauga, GTA, Ontario
Summer job: Program Lead – Gardens, The Riverwood Conservancy, Mississauga, GTA, Ontario
Summer job: Program Lead – Conservation, The Riverwood Conservancy, Mississauga, GTA, Ontario
Summer job: Summer Camp Counsellor, The Riverwood Conservancy, Mississauga, GTA, Ontario
Market gardening / veggie, herb & flower farming, summer or seasonal, Feather and Fir Farm, Coldwater, near Orillia & Midland, Ontario
Urban tree planter, 5- to 7-week contract, LEAF (Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests), Toronto ON
Junior Biologist, full-time, Seabird Island Band, Agassiz BC
Summer Nature Camp Staff, 8 positions, Frontenac Arch Biosphere Network, Eastern Ontario
Engagement Director, full-time, Efficiency Canada, remote (Ontario preferred)
Grassroots Engagement and Membership Coordinator, full-time, Sierra Club Canada Foundation, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Senior Manager of Executive Operations, full-time, Birds Canada, in person or remote, anywhere in Canada
Summer jobs: Conservation Technicians, 9 positions, Friends of the Rouge Watershed, Markham & Scarborough, GTA ON
Conservation Engagement Assistant, full-time, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Fredericton or remote in New Brunswick
Communications Officer – Canada Energy Program, full-time, International Institute for Sustainable Development, hybrid in Ottawa, Toronto or Winnipeg
Travel and Production Coordinator, full-time, Hollyhock, remote & Cortes Island BC (accommodations provided)
Social Media Coordinator, full-time, Efficiency Canada, remote / Ontario preferred
Community Canvassers, flexible hours, part-time or full-time, Ancient Forest Alliance, Victoria BC
Organic gardens / farm help and Childcare, vol. + housing + land access, Women's healing farm, West Grey, Ontario
Breakfast Cook, full-time, Eggsmart, Vaughan, GTA, Ontario (Animal welfare & environment)
Food Sovereignty Technician (Community garden, Greenhouse, Hydroponics), full-time or part-time, Taku River Tlingit First Nation, Northern BC / relocation assistance
Veterinary Technician, full-time, Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre, Napanee, near Kingston, Ontario
Camp Leader – Summer Camp, full-time, Vancouver Botanical Gardens, Vancouver BC
Junior Counselor – Summer Camp, full-time, Vancouver Botanical Gardens, Vancouver BC
Inclusion Leader – Summer Camp, full-time, Vancouver Botanical Gardens, Vancouver BC

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