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All postings shown are currently active and accepting applications. (Postings are removed automatically on the deadline or closing date.) The date posted can be seen by hovering over the logo/image, and also at the very bottom of the text.
Grant Writer, vol./honorarium, Cortes Island Academy, remote, anywhere in Canada
Herb growing internship, live on-farm (vol+ stipend+ room+ board), April-Oct., Stoeckli Organics Teas & Herbs, Lake Huron, Ontario
Breakfast Cook, full-time, Eggsmart, Vaughan, GTA, Ontario (Animal welfare & environment)
Farm Crew, summer jobs & seasonal positions, Stable Harvest Farm, Langley BC
Sustainable farming, 2-3 days/week, Lawoti Farms, near Milton, Burlington, Guelph, GTA, Ontario
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