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National Manager, Ocean Program, full-time, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, remote, anywhere in Canada
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Climate Adaptation Research Associate, full-time, Canadian Climate Institute, remote, anywhere in Canada
Organic farming best practices / Mentor agricole, contract, part-time, Hudson Food Collective & Community Farm, Hudson, near Montreal, Quebec
Summer job: Communications Coordinator, Hudson Food Collective & Heartbeet Community Farm, Hudson QC
Organic vegetable farming, summer/seasonal, Hudson Food Collective & Heartbeet Community Farm, Hudson QC
Co-responsable à l’Épicerie et au Marché solidaire, plein temps, Carrefour solidaire, Montréal QC
Summer job: Communications Specialist, EcoSchools Canada, Toronto or remote, anywhere in Canada
Summer job: Education Program Officer, EcoSchools Canada, Toronto or remote, anywhere in Canada
Parliamentary Internship for the Environment, 10 months, full-time, ages 18-30, Environmental Leadership Canada, Ottawa ON
Canada/USA Regional Coordinator, FAIME, remote, anywhere in Canada
Program Coordinator, Keepers of the Circle, remote, British Columbia applicants preferred
Network Weaver, RAD (Restore, Assert and Defend) Network, anywhere in Canada
Bookkeeper, part-time, Global Indigenous Development Trust, remote, anywhere in Canada
Organic veggie farming, full-time, possible accom., Ferme Lève-tôt, near Wakefield / Ottawa-Gatineau QC
Organic farming, market gardening & driver, two positions, on-farm accom., Apr-Nov., Ferme Pleine Lune, near Wakefield QC & Ottawa
Summer Camp Program Positions, full-time, accom.+meals, Tim Hortons Camps, various locations in Canada & USA
Environmental Technician, full-time, ENKON Environmental, Surrey BC or remote, anywhere in Canada
Nature Store / Retail business associate, Ottawa-Gatineau / Gatineau Park (with optional on-site housing in Chelsea QC)
Grow food — grow your own, jobs, internships, volunteer... anywhere in Canada