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Permaculture Plant Nursery Internships, 2 positions, room+ board+ stipend, Fiddlehead Nursery, near Collingwood, ON
Middle School Teachers, full-time & part-time positions, Wildwood Independent School, Sunshine Coast BC
Summer: Astronomy Program Manager, Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association, remote / anywhere in Ontario
Board Member / Director, vol./board, Mind Your Plastic, remote, anywhere in Canada
Summer Camp Assistant Director, full-time, YMCA Camp Otonabee, Ontario (live on-site)
Organic veggie & flower farming – Wash, pack & delivery, full-time, May-Nov., near Arnprior/ Renfrew/ Ottawa, Ontario
Eco-friendly Gardeners, 2 positions, full-time, Perfectly Planted, Toronto, Ontario
Garden Centre Manager, May-July, Bloomgreen, Erin, Ontario
Youth Leadership Seminarist-Researcher, vol. + living allowance, accommodation, airfare, WUSC, Sri Lanka
Assistant Field Biologist – Fall Season, Pelee Island Bird Observatory, Pelee Island, Ontario / on-site accom.
Campground / Guest Services, multiple positions, on-site accom., Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park, GTA, Ontario
Organic veggie CSA farm, May-October, housing, Cedar Down Farm, Neustadt / Grey County, Ontario
Summer jobs: Dogs / work with animals, Arctic Chalet, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Lead Hand / Horticulturalist / Landscaper / Gardener, full-time or part-time, Terra Vita Garden and Design, Victoria BC
Managing Chef, full-time, Strathcona Park Lodge, Vancouver Island BC / live on-site or commute from Campbell River
Nature Kindergarten Teacher, full-time, Wildhearts PEC Forest School, Picton / Prince Edward County, Ontario
Sprouts & Microgreens kitchen, single or couple, on-site accom., Salt Spring Sprouts and Mushrooms, Salt Spring Island BC
Market gardening / farming, 3 positions, full-season, Aldergrove Organic Farm, Mount Forest, Ontario / on-farm accom.
Reptiles and amphibians, snakes and turtle conservation projects, 4-12 months..., Scales Nature Park, Orillia, Ontario / on-site accommodations
Conservation Education and Outreach Roles, summer jobs + 1 year contract positions, Scales Nature Park, Orillia ON / on-site accom./housing
Conservation Technicians & GIS Technicians, summer jobs + 1 year contract positions, Scales Nature Park, Orillia ON / on-site accom./housing
Indigenous summer job: youth ages 16-30, Eelgrass Restoration, Halifax, Nova Scotia (applicants from all over Canada encouraged to apply)
Regenerative organic landscaping, 2-3 days/week, will train, Regen Landscape & Compost, Sooke / Victoria BC
Senior Software Developer, full-time, EnergyPal, anywhere in Canada
Organic Gardening, Permaculture & Regenerative Farming Intern, accom. + meals + stipend, Chuckleberry Community Farm, near Nelson BC
Animal Care, f/t contracts & summer jobs (8-to-16-weeks), Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation, near Calgary AB
Dispatchers, f/t contracts & summer jobs (8-to-16-weeks), Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation, near Calgary AB
Urban farming, summer jobs and seasonal positions, Backyard Harvest, Hamilton, Ontario
Home-scale farm & food forest / Permaculture (veggies, fruits & herbs) – Market Gardener, Earthling Farm, near Wolfville, Nova Scotia
Organic farming, market gardening & driver, two positions, on-farm accom., Apr-Nov., Ferme Pleine Lune, near Wakefield QC & Ottawa
Summer Camp Program Positions, full-time, accom.+meals, Tim Hortons Camps, various locations in Canada & USA
Market garden intern / apprentice, single or couple, room & board, May-Oct., Muriel Shores Farm, Kenora, Ontario
Food Program Assistant, casual, Cumberland Community Schools Society, near Courtenay BC
Market gardening/ organic farming, April/May to Oct/Nov., 2-3 positions, Hoppy Fields Farm, Fergus / near Guelph, Ontario
Naturally grown farm-stay position, April–October, live on-farm + stipend, west of Montreal, Quebec
Farmers Market Manager, part-time, Cabbagetown Farmers Market, Toronto ON
Senior Farm Crew, full-time and part-time positions, seasonal, Stable Harvest Farm (non-profit), Langley BC
Farm Crew, full-time, seasonal, Stable Harvest Farm (non-profit), Langley BC
Summer jobs: Farm Education Crew, Stable Harvest Farm (non-profit), Langley, Metro Vancouver BC
Summer jobs: Paddleboard & Kayak Attendants / General Staff, Toronto Island SUP, Toronto Island, Ontario
Ecological farming, full-time, Button Brook Farm, Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia
Market gardening (organic), housing, full-time or part-time, Braided Dalea, Markdale, Ontario
Naturalists & Guides, May–Oct., housing provided, Great Bear Nature Tours, West Coast BC, Canada
Summer jobs: Treeplanters, lodging/tents + meals incl., Haveman Brothers, Northern Ontario
Market gardener — Organic veggies, full-time, Still Growing Farm, Winchester, south of Ottawa, Ontario
Outdoor Educators, part-time, Roots 2 Rise Outdoors, Toronto & Owen Sound, Ontario
Organic farming, full-time & part-time positions, housing, Fair Fields, Grey County, Ontario
Summer Camp – Head Counsellor, Camp Tidnish, live on-site, New Brunswick
Farmers market rep, part-time, Fair Sun Farm, Spencerville, between Kemptville & Prescott, Ontario
Summer jobs: Dogs / work with animals, Arctic Chalet, Inuvik, Northwest Territories

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